Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The 15 Minute Break...of DEATH!

Okay, so, almost every company in this country has decided that the perfect amount of time for an employee break is 15 minutes. Thus, America has basically been posed the question: What can you do in 15 minutes?

Apparently, the answer we’ve come up with is: Eat a snack or smoke a cigarette.

That’s what we do and both are killing us.

(Ooooh, Annie, you’re sounding serious.)

Well, this is serious business, people! We’re dying from cancer sticks and diabetes doughnuts.


Walk around the parking lot. If your dignity or lack thereof permits, skip around the parking lot. Encourage your employer to get a Wii. Think how much fun break time would be if we were spending it playing and/or watching our coworkers play Wii party games? We’d be doing something other than just doing ourselves in.

If your employer has some aversion to doing this, try bringing a jump rope to work or just a piece of chalk. There’s nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with a grown person playing hopscotch.

If playing in the parking lot makes me a freak and stuffing my face or choking my lungs makes me normal, sign me up for the freak show. I’ll live longer.


  1. What they need to do is pump dance music through the speaker system. Boogie Break!

  2. I'm guessing you don't eat or smoke then LOL

  3. I eat. I just don't spend my breaktime eating ultra sugary snacks that have year long shelf lives. And, nope, don't spend my breaks smoking either. I skip in the parking lot or walk around the block.

    I'm a weirdo.

  4. Only a vegetarian would make a post like this! I would say you are a "weirdo" but you sit to close to me at work! =P
