Sunday, January 17, 2010

Crazy Conversations

My husband and I are a little crazy, I think. At least, we have these crazy-people conversations. It seems like the really crazy/silly conversations happen when we're getting ready for bed. I think it's mostly his fault.

For example, I got a new shampoo that I thought made my hair smell nice. I ask a simple question and this is what happened.

Me: Smell my hair. Doesn’t it smell nice?

Hubby: (Laughs) Smell my butt. It smells nice.

Me: No it doesn’t.

Hubby: How do you know it doesn’t? Have you smelled it?

Me: No. I don’t have to. It smells like butt. You know how I know? Because it IS a butt.

Hubby: Not necessarily. For all you know my butt could smell like daisies. You don’t know, because you haven’t smelled it. You wanted me to smell your hair but you won’t smell my butt.

Me: There’s a big difference between smelling someone’s hair and smelling someone’s butt.

Hubby: My butt has hair and I submit to you that the hair on my butt smells like daisies and until you’re willing to smell my butt and prove me wrong you’re going to have to concede that.

Me: So be it. Your butt smells like daisies. Are you happy?

Hubby: Very.

Me: You won’t be.

Hubby: What does that mean?

Me: Oh nothing.

Hubby: Okaaaay. … Good night.

Me: Good Night, Daisy.

Hubby: … Touché.

1 comment:

  1. LOL
    I could add a disturbing morning after convo to that, butt I'll leave with the daisies.
