Thursday, February 19, 2009

So, You Had A Bad Day

Good Golly Miss Molly was yesterday a bad day.

I don't want to give you a downer so I'll only tell you the funny parts.

Okay, first of all: Bad Hair Day. Believe me, it was funny.

Then it seemed the wind was trying to be helpful by giving me that wind-blown-helmet-hair look. Sadly, and hilariously, this seemed to actually be an improvement.

Have you ever started pedaling your way down the street and noticed something was off? You start trying to check various mechanisms on your bike while you ride, to figure out what's making the ride so strange, and then you realize you left your helmet on the couch.

You know that if you go back, you might miss your bus so you consider forgetting about it just this once. Then you remember Murphy's Law and the fact that you have a 2 year old and you go back.

You grab the helmet and start pedaling like Chef Gordon Ramsey is chasing you with a cleaver and wearing his "mean face". Your lungs are about to explode out of your chest but you see the intersection and start to relax.

Then you see the bus. But the light! The light turns green and the bus stops because its light has turned RED. You get a second wind and start screaming, "Stay Green! Stay Green!" You realize that the people staring at you now definitely think you’re a militant environmentalist but YOU DON'T CARE!!! Because you're almost there!

Then your light turns red, the bus' light turns green and you watch it pass you by. You wait 30 minutes and catch the next one.

You may find yourself in a strangely brighter world. You may find yourself in a strangely empty bus. You may tell yourself; this is not my beautiful bus. You may ask yourself, How did I get here?

Okay, I'll stop that now.

Anyway, the rest of the story involves militant car drivers, a mud puddle and riding the elevator with my VP in what can only be described as a disreputable state (me, not her).


Well, I did get to take in a beautiful sunrise that morning, and it wasn't cold and/or rainy. Also, I had the most wonderful evening with the Monkey the night before.

The Hubby didn't get home until past ten, so the Monkey and I had a little adventure. We went to the park. Then we went to a pizza place and ordered a vegetarian pizza. The Hubby hates it but the Monkey prefers veggie pizza too.

While the pizza was being cooked, we went to the book store next door. I told the Monkey he could pick out one new book and he brought me six.

I said, "That's six, Monkey. Not one."
He said, "No, Mommy. This is one. And this is one. And this is one...etc."

Okay, he didn't say etc. That was just so I wouldn't have to write 'and this is one' five times.

Anyway, we solved the problem by sitting in the aisle and reading all six. Then he picked his favorite: Bunny Trouble.

BTW, it's about time someone wrote a book about the trouble with bunnies. I watched Rabbit Proof Fence and I don't remember seeing a single bunny. I thought, "Finally, someone is pointing out the trouble with bunnies." But no.

OMG, this blog post is ridiculously silly. I guess my natural reaction to bad days is to get ridiculously silly. It's my meager attempt to cheer myself up. It usually works pretty well.

Well, here’s hoping you have a good day…or at least a funny bad one.


  1. I'm sorry your day was bad. If it's any consolation, I've suffered from bad hair days for two weeks. As for bad days in general, I've craved pizza for two weeks. My changing birth control to lose weight does me no good if it makes me crave pizza. :-) Just remember, the good days out-weigh the bad. I forget that all the time, but it's true.

  2. Damn blogger won't let me use my Wordpress account to comment. Grrr...
